I really need to read the Google terms and agreements again. I keep forgetting what the policy is on adult content. Or what constitutes adult in the first place… Anyways, I have a bit of catching up to do, so here is some slightly old content.
I am not a fan of Easter. Mainly cause I left my church for a reason and don’t want to have religious events be a part of my schedule any more. Also, I’m uncomfortable at family gatherings. I don’t know why. Does anyone else get that feeling?
What isle is new….I did some yard work today, used a pole saw to shape up some trees. Pretty satisfying work, actually. Not something I’d want to do every day, but it’s kinda relaxing in a weird way.
In the news….some dictator resigned recently. Some guy from Syria? Lebanon? Hell if I know. Chances are it’s in North Africa.
I have been doing a TON of research on Libya recently and have made some small conclusions based on that which I will reveal in the next few days.
Syria and Lebanon are in the Middle East, which is Asia.